3rd Act Design Lab

Design your 3rd act together

You and your spouse talk about it, and it comes up frequently with your friends. Or you’re single and wondering how to plan for the next phase. Either way, you’re ready to escape the corporate grind, and spending years playing pickleball or caregiving sounds boring.

You are GenX, for F sake. This whole “retirement” thing feels very off-brand.

What if this was a design project?

You have a handle on your finances, but your third act contains much more. The non-financial aspects of the coming years will benefit from creative exploration, so let’s explore them together.

In the 3rd Act Design Lab, you’ll join a small group to explore the non-financial aspects of your 3rd act, including:

  • Your 3rd act identity

  • How you’ll combine work, leisure, and learning

  • Finding meaning and purpose

  • Nurturing lasting relationships

  • Health and well-being

  • Filling out your professional support team

Some of these will require new skills: what got you here won’t get you there. 

In this small group you’ll discover ideas you hadn’t previously considered. You’ll inspire each other, share resources and referrals, and form some new bonds.

We’ll meet 4 times, either in person in Seattle or online. There will be homework. If you are partnered and you want these plans to stick, bring your partner.

Interested in forming or joining a group? Contact me

Why this is a big deal

Before people leave full-time work, they tend to focus on finances. Do we have enough? How much will we spend? Will we be able to rely on social security? And yep, this is what your work with a financial planner is for.

Once you’re on the other side, things change. You’re suddenly around fewer people than before. Your days lack structure. Your identity takes a huge hit, and you wonder what it was all for. You start to isolate yourself, and loneliness creeps in, threatening your health and longevity.

The secret to a vibrant 3rd act is to be active, useful, and connected. You can plan for that.

3rd Act Design for singles or couples

Maybe groups aren’t your thing. Or maybe you’re considering an exit that no one knows about yet, and you’d like to keep your planning confidential. I’ve got you. A private program is also available, where we explore all the same topics, personalized to you and your situation. Ready?